My Personal Lists of Autoimmune Tests
Out of all the autoimmune tests I took, the ones that focused on the root cause were the Cyrex, Metametrix, and comprehensive tests. Click on the name of the test to see the company’s web page or click “SEE RESULTS” to see my autoimmune test results.
- Comprehensive Blood Autoimmune Tests
- While on Enbrel (12/6/11)
- Off of Enbrel (4/18/12) – Note the high SED rate + C-Reactive Protein (both markers of inflammation)
- Test on 8/21/12 – Hemoglobin/Hemocrit lowered (might be sign of anemia), but SED rate went from 101 to 37! Also note the major decrease with IL-6 (19.98 down to 12.10) but increase in IL-4 (<3.20 up to 8.34) when measuring the Th1/Th2 immune system balance.
- Test on 12/14/12 – Iron saturation is still low and SED rate stayed the same (38), but almost all other tests came back within the normal range (some on the very edge).
- Test on 6/6/13 – Iron issues due to oxidative stress & CRP spiked levels (inflammation).
- Functional Medicine Test 6/4/13 – Same blood test as the test on 6/6 but with functional medicine results. Out of range explanations listed here.
- Test on 10/3/13 – First time SED rate in normal range, but CRP still very high. Only explanation is the introduction of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).
- Tests done 11/13 – Tests done 2-3 weeks after taking Humira. SED rate, CRP, and Fibrinogen Activity (All markers of inflammation) results all back to normal and better than my test results while on Enbrel (12/6/11).
- Tests of 2014 – April 2014 (consistently on Humira or skipping one dose per month), August 2014 (off Humira for 3 months), and December 2014 (back on Humira but only taking one time per month instead of the normal twice per month).
- Anemia Test – Based off the 8/21/12 comprehensive test, I saw a Hemotologist and discovered I have slight anemia. The 1st page shows the iron deficiency, 2nd shows the out-of-range blood levels, 3rd page is blood in stool (internally bleeding), and the last shows the percentage off of the normal range with anemia.
UPDATE: Anemia Test 11-9-12 – overall numbers are closer to normal, but not in normal range. Improved iron levels and saturation measured on 12/14/12 comprehensive test, but saturation still out of range.
UPDATE 6/4/13 – Iron levels not improving as the functional medicine test reveals I do not need an iron supplement and by adding it in, it is causing oxidative stress. - IBD-Crohn’s Disease Bloodwork and CT Scan 11-2-12: the blood test shows focus on Crohn’s – inflammation of the large and small intestine (colon). The CT scan focuses more on ulcerative colitis. Other info on the CT scan were confirmed by doctor as normal or a part of the inflammation issue: Cysts in kidneys, the Jejunojejunal intussusception, and the fat surrounding descending colon.
- Cyrex Test (array 4) – measures gluten cross-reactive foods (food intolerance). RESULTS 4/6/12 | 6/20/13
- Cyrex Test (array 2) – measures gut permeability. SEE RESULTS
- Diagnostechs Test – Adrenal stress & cortisol levels. This test confirmed why I can’t sleep well at night. Tried the supplement Apex Energetics Proglyco-SP 90 (regulates hypoglycemia’s blood sugar & adrenal glands) & did not help. Slowly diet and exercise helping the situation. RESULTS: 4/6/12 | 7/13/13
- Gut Ecology Profile (Metametrix) – Tests for fungal, bacterial, parasites & drug resistance. My result on 6/26/13 reveals a fungal infection. SEE RESULTS
- Heavy Metals Test – Confirmed medium levels of Mercury; all other heavy metals are low. SEE RESULTS
- Metametrix Vitamin & Nutrient Deficiency Test – Vitamin & nutrient deficiencies that need to be explained by your doctor. This was the main test that told me I need to stop the low-starch diet and eat starches; I saw immediate improvements. SEE RESULTS
- Spectracel Test – While not as in-depth and as good as the Metametrix vitamin deficiency test, it did help me see some vitamin deficiencies I had. In the end, the results did very little to improve my situation. SEE RESULTS
Cyrex Test Results – List of Reactive Foods
- Cow’s Milk
- Casein (Alpha & Beta) – Basically any dairy product. Bye-bye butter, ice cream, etc.
- Oats
- Yeast
- Coffee
- Sesame
Buckwheat – Grain / Cereal(Test Update 6/13/13 – Normal Range)- Sorghum – from what I can tell initially, it can be used as a substitute for Gluten. If you know more about this, please comment below.
- Millet – cereal/grain used as a flour and in some beers.
- Hemp – Grain / Cereal
- Aramanth – Grain / Cereal
Quinoa – Grain / Cereal(Test Update 6/13/13 – Normal Range)- Tapioca – In breads & puddings / shakes.
- Teff – Grain / Cereal
Eggs – SHOCKER! I’ve eaten eggs almost every day for 15 years.(Test Update 6/13/13 – Normal Range)Corn(Test Update 6/13/13 – Equivocal Range)
Cyrex Test – List of Acceptable Foods
Rye(Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Barley(Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Spelt(Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Polish Wheat(Not readily available in U.S. & Out of Range 6/13/13)Casomorphin(protein fragments in digestion of milk protein casein) (Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Milk Butyrophilin– another milk protein (Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Whey Protein– by-product of cheese (Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)Chocolate (Milk)(Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range)- Soy
- Corn
- Rice
- Potato
- Buckwheat
- Quinoa
- Eggs
- Millet
Personal Autoimmune Tests Based Off the Cyrex Test
- I can eat rice, but I cannot have potatoes (maybe small amounts, but for now – no). This is because of the gut / Klebsiella issue we all have with starches. Rice is different because it’s a different type of starch. UPDATE 2013: My body has built up enough to accept potatoes (waxy potatoes are better).
- Now that I know I can eat rice, I’ve been big into sushi. Sometimes it’s been good, sometimes not…and I just found out today why – the sesame seeds. If you look at the test, you’ll see I’m out of range – so the Cyrex test is right about that.
- I’ve never liked the taste of coffee and the test shows I’m the most food intolerant with it. So there’s no need to test.
- Now let’s look at milk and dairy-based products. You’ll see I can’t have cow’s milk (and in reality, nobody should drink cow’s milk due to the A1 casein issues). So while it’s better to dodge dairy, I can have it because I’ve done initial tests with yogurt ice cream and I’m fine. Why? Check out the casomorphin, milk butyrophilin, and milk chocolate – they’re all byproducts / proteins made from various forms of dairy. I would have never figured that out without the Cyrex test. Test Update 6/13/13 – Out of Range on all of these. Either they all work in your favor or they don’t.
- As for bread, I don’t touch that with a 10-foot pole. Look at all the grains I’m food intolerant with. Top that off with starches feeding the Klebsiella and it’s twice the pain for me.