Day 1 Food Reboot

Had a horrible night of sleep.  Right hip area is still inflammed, but hurts only when I try to get out of bed.  The real problem is my pulled neck.

Chiropractor: Started 8:15am.  Did 20 neck stretches & wobble chair.  Got my neck cracked & some of the back.  Then did some slight head resistance movements & Denny Roll “cold pack” for 20-25 minutes.

Today is the 1st day of my smoothie plan, digestive enzyme, HCL & Probiotic.  I’m substituting a Kiwi for my Papaya due to starch issues.  It says the Cacao powder is starchy too.  However, I’ve never experienced a flare-up (that I know of) with chocolate powder + it’s very low dosage compared to the rest of the smoothie.

Smoothie Recipe:
•2 bananas, peeled (would have preferred more ripe so it’s less starchy)
•1 cup papaya, cubed (substituted Kiwi Fruit)
•1 mango, peeled and pitted
•1 tablespoon cacao powder
•3 cups Swiss chard, chopped
•1-2 small vine tomatoes
•1 small to medium-sized carrot
•3 to 4 ounces of filtered water

Lunch consisted of spinach base with Wild Alaskan salmon (can), sweet peppers, carrots, tomatoes, mayo, whole grained mustard, artichoke hearts.  So far not much inflammation.

Went to a local farmer’s market at St. Catherine Episcopal church on Immokalee Rd. a few minutes from where I live.  I found a USDA Organic farmer whose farm is just 5 miles away from me called Lyoni Organic Farm.  The owner is Nick Batty, phone is 239-890-3605, & email is

Dinner Menu:

  • Steamed brocolli
  • 3 dried figs
  • 2 raw carrots
  • 2 fried eggs w/ cooked sweet peppers
  • strawberries

Evening inflammation check:  Very little if any.

Today I woke up with my neck pulled.  I went to Jubilee Chiropractic and did light exercise along with Dr. T cracking my neck.  Although I don’t have full range of motion tonight, I see a definite improvement.  During lunch I discussed my issues with Julie Joyner.  She used to sell produce to local stores through her fathers farm & knows the farmers around town.  She will be helping me find my USDA Organic local farmers here in Naples and will help in praying for my 100% healing.  Finding something to eat at lunch (we went to Agave) was difficult due to not knowing about what I can / cannot eat plus having a restaurant prepare uncooked portions / all of the meal.  The good news is Agave makes guacamole for you right on the spot.  So I had that along with some cooked / uncooked vegetables.  Nothing seemed to increase the inflammation.

In the last two days I’ve started taking a fiber supplement called Konsyl (Original Forumla).  Until I can start my juicing, I’m going to keep focusing on cooked vegetables.  Tonight I reheated (on the stove) my vegetarian chili.  However, this was an “older” batch with chicken.  I’m noticing more bloating than usual.  I’m assuming that is either coming from the beans and/or chicken.  At this point either the Psyllium in Konsyl is not taking enough effect or I have issues with beans / chicken.  Based on previous history, it’s the beans.  The NSD guidelines also confirm it’s high in starch.  So I need to remove those from my diet (especially when I start juicing).  I’m hoping that I don’t get a flare-up tomorrow morning because of it.  I had just vegetarian chili with white rice last week and did get a flare-up due to it.  So it’ll be interesting to see if I tolerate beans more than rice.

I met up with Mary Anne tonight.  She has gone through a raw diet but had an adverse reaction to it.  Part of the reason, IMO, was all the years she took antibiotics.  It’s ruined the lining in her gut and rejected the nutrition in it.  As always, she takes a scientific approach to what else is out there.  While her points are very valid and helpful, but I plan to stick to the divine strategy brought to me.  Time will tell if any adjustments will need to be made.  But I must move on & focus on getting the food I need tomorrow & Wednesday so I can start on Thursday.

Lastly, and more importantly, Jamie sent her information over today.  I’ll be reviewing the 21 day meal plan, modifying it with NSD & reading the supplemental articles to better understand what foods will I get the most benefit from & why.