Smoothie Recipe:
- 3 bananas, peeled
- 2 cups papaya, cubed (replacing with a kiwi & a pear) – NOTE – may add to diet next week as starch results are not consistent
- 2 cups wild frozen blueberries (or fresh)
- 4 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped
- 3 to 4 ounces of filtered water
Lunch Menu: Salad
- Swiss Chard (3 leaves)
- Carrot (1)
- Sweet Peppers (3)
- Tomatoes (Handful)
- Strawberries (Handful)
- Celery (2 Stalks)
- Dried Figs (3)
- Aged Balsamic Vinegar
Dinner Menu (Bajio – Chicken Salad):
- Lettuce
- Pico De Gallo (3 scoops)
- Shredded chicken
- Cooked onion
- Guacamole
- Tomatillo Sauce (darker green)
- Corn (Small Amount)
Evening inflammation check: Very little right hip, back of right thigh.
Digestion: Between 11-3:30 I went to the bathroom 4 or 5 times. The “stuff” is around 1 inch and there are lots of them.
Neck Issue Check (Evening): Up & down range of motion is good. Still difficult to move left & right. I’m hoping overnight it will fix the rest.