Day 3 Food Reboot

Waking Up:  Went to bed around 10pm last night woke up a few times throughout the night.  Around 5:30am got the heat pack & have been up since then.  I don’t feel tired like I usually do.  Better range of motion in the neck, but still not healed.
Morning Inflammation Check:  Some inflammation behind right thigh.

Smoothie Recipe (Banana-Mango-Strawberry):

• 1 large mango, pitted and peeled
• 2 organic bananas, peeled (I’m just using 1)
• 3 cups strawberries, whole
• 4 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped
• Bee Pollen (Tablespoon)
• 4 to 6 ounces of filtered water

Synopsis of Smoothie:  MUCH better than yesterday’s smoothie.  1)  2 Glass-fulls instead of 3.  2)  Less of that acidity taste.  3) 1 Banana should be easier to manage inflammation. 4)  Just tastes better.

Lunch Menu:  Mediterranean Salad (Panera Bread)

Mediterranean salad chart

Mid-day snack:  Almonds, pecans, dried cherry & a pear.


Dinner Menu (quick and creamy vegetable cream soup + smoothie):

This meal was a reheat (stove) for the soup.  The smoothie was my concoction (tasted fine, but won’t make it the same again – no need to post).  Included below are items that used in making the smoothie or was in the soup. They may feed the Kleb (bacteria that leads to AS).

  • Cannellini beans (soaked, aged, canned beans reduce the starch level dramatically)
  • Almond butter & ground cashews (more health than Kleb)
  • Banana (1)

Evening inflammation check:  Back of right thigh & left hip little inflammation.
Digestion:  One time between 11-11:30 I went & the “stuff” is red & looked like it didn’t assimilate all the strawberries.  About an hour after dinner, flatulence came on strong.  Most likely it’s due to the cannelloni beans.
Neck Issue Check (Evening):  Almost healed.

Day 2 Food Reboot

Waking Up:  Sleep went better, but I still woke up at 4:30 and slept on my sides to compensate my neck issue (I need to tilt my head slightly while on my back to sleep).  My pulled neck is still hanging around, but I have more mobility & less pain than yesterday.  My father gave me some great advice & suggested that I wear a heat pack / heated cloth (as hot as I can stand) & heat for 20 minutes.  Ever since I did that, it’s really helped.
Chiropractor: Started 8:30am.  Did 20 neck stretches & wobble chair.  Got my neck cracked & some of the back.  Then did some slight head resistance movements & bought a reusable heat pad to use throughout the day.

Smoothie Recipe:

  • 3 bananas, peeled
  • 2 cups papaya, cubed (replacing with a kiwi & a pear) – NOTE – may add to diet next week as starch results are not consistent
  • 2 cups wild frozen blueberries (or fresh)
  • 4 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped
  • 3 to 4 ounces of filtered water
Synopsis of Smoothie:  Way too sweet, tastes kind of acidy (maybe that’s the alkaline).  3 bananas – won’t that make me go into sugar-shock?

Lunch Menu:  Salad

  • Swiss Chard (3 leaves)
  • Carrot (1)
  • Sweet Peppers (3)
  • Tomatoes (Handful)
  • Strawberries (Handful)
  • Celery (2 Stalks)
  • Dried Figs (3)
  • Aged Balsamic Vinegar
Prior to meal had a handful of almonds & dried cherries.  I could feel my stomach trying harder to digest.


Dinner Menu (Bajio – Chicken Salad):


  • Lettuce
  • Pico De Gallo (3 scoops)
  • Shredded chicken
  • Cooked onion
  • Guacamole
  • Tomatillo Sauce (darker green)
  • Corn (Small Amount)

Evening inflammation check:  Very little right hip, back of right thigh.
Digestion:  Between 11-3:30 I went to the bathroom 4 or 5 times.  The “stuff” is around 1 inch and there are lots of them.
Neck Issue Check (Evening):  Up & down range of motion is good.  Still difficult to move left & right.  I’m hoping overnight it will fix the rest.

Looks like the chicken with my vegetarian chili did a number on me.  Tired, inflammed, & still have my pulled neck this morning.  Last night I had to fight the flatulence too.  Not too easy with company over.  Thank God for lighting the scented candle in the room.   In the morning I made my own type of smoothy with 2 fried eggs.  It included 2 (old) pieces of Kale, at least 3 handfuls of spinach, frozen berries (about ¼ – ½ a cup), big gob of almond butter (unsweetened), water, cinnamon, and a banana.  I don’t feel the inflammation as much and do feel full.  The shower & head weights / denny roll (used a rolled ice pack instead) help out too.Lunch consisted of some almonds, dried cherries & a smoothie.  The smoothie consisted of 3 bunches of spinach, 4 dried figs, yogurt, bee pollen, 3 sweet peppers, and an apple.

I had a variety of nuts in the afternoon – cashews, macadamia, walnuts, almonds, dried cherries, and dried cranberries.  I did notice some inflammation afterwards, so cashews or macadamia nuts might have done it.

Went to a raw foods class (taught by Julie, Bethany created the meal plan).  They made a fruit smoothie (too sweet, drank a sip), collard green wraps,  zucchini marinara, and avocado pudding.  Out of all the ingredients in all the dishes, flare ups could be from the cocoa powder (avocado pudding) or garlic (although I doubt it).  I also bought the items Jamie mentioned in her email and will finish my grocery list for the week at the farmer’s market tomorrow.  Cost for supplies around $110.

Doing the denny roll & getting out of the bed exacerbates the pain / inflammation in my right hip area.  I’m also 1 week exactly without Enbrel.