Day 6 Food Reboot

Waking Up:  Went to bed at 11:00pm & got up at 5:30 due to gas (had to go #1 & #2) & right leg / buttock area of inflammation. Continuing to get gas & leakage throughout the morning.

Chiropractor: Arriving at 8:30am, I was able to do my full routine as usual.  The only hindrance was the bloating & right hip inflammation. Head alignment machine, Pettibon / Wobble Chair, neck & lower back / spine adjusted, neck alignment for 12 minutes, Head weights 2X per day (10 min. morning & evening) + Denny roll 1X in evening (20 min.)

Morning Physical Symptom Check:  My normal stiff lower & less mid-back (moderate stiffness), turning my head all the way to the left I feel it a bit sore.   Some inflammation on the left hip (I have to rotate it to feel it).  My right hip is getting worse and is now at a 5 on a scale of 1-10 (10 worst).  I have to get out of bed carefully or I will get a shooting pain.  It’ll be two weeks tomorrow since my last Enbrel shot (normally take 2X per week).  I’ll be taking it tomorrow.

Smoothie Recipe (Mango Goji Berry-Chocolate Green Smoothie Recipe)

•1 mango, peeled and pitted
•1 banana, peeled
•1 tablespoon of cacao powder
•¼ cup goji berries
•3 large Swiss chard leaves, chopped
•4 to 6 ounces of filtered water
• Bee Pollen (1 Tablespoon)

NOTE:  Cocoa powder has starch (11.5) in it.   Cacao powder is basically the same except it may be healthier as explained in this article.  However, the amount of powder is not much.  I’m not sure if the goji berries have starch.

Synopsis of Smoothie:  Good to start, but gets old quickly.  Add another 2oz of water to help out.  Makes 2 Glass-fulls.
Lunch Menu:  Leftovers of Cheezy Cannellonis (Refer Back to Day 5) + Cooked Spinach 
Cooked Spinach
  • Spinach (3 handfuls)
  • Sweet Onion (1/5)
  • Pepper, Spike Veggie (Salt Substitution), and Himalayan Salt

Dinner Menu: Eggs & Cooked Salad w/ Fruit


  • Fried Eggs (2)
  • Strawberries (4)
  • Blueberries (Handful)
  • Steamed Broccoli
  • Sunflower Sprouts (Handful)
  • Sweet Peppers (3)
  • Cooked Cherry Tomatoes (5)
  • Handful of Walnuts & Dried Cherries

Gas & Bloating Issue Temporary Solution

Today I did some research on gas & bloating.  I’ve decided to take my Konsyl morning & I will take Metamucil in the evening + mid-day and/or when bloating / gas is bad.  Although it seems to have done the trick, I still need to be careful & have my body adjust to all of this fiber.  I’ve been told that I’m not getting 3X the amount I normally did.  All this takes time and adjustment.

Right now with Konsyl I’m taking 12g (6g 2X/day) + Muccilloid  12g (6g 2X/day – acts as a laxative) per day.  According to the article at,  University of Michigan Health System reports says that a person with diarrhea needs 9 g to 30 g per day.   Although I don’t have full-blown diarrhea, I’m getting close to that.  So I need to take 1.5 – 2X the psyllium I normally take to compensate all the fiber.  Eventually I can see myself weening this down to typical levels.
The next issue is organic.  According to Dr. Mercola (, psyllium contains one of the highest pesticide levels.  Organic India is USDA organic ( ).  This is not as crucial due to the processing, carriage, storage, soil/water used, etc. for the psyllium.


Evening inflammation check:  Right thigh & right buttocks area with shooting pains when I twist to the left. Stiffness is mild in lower back.
Digestion:  Flatulence was was in full-effect all the way until I took the Metamucil in the afternoon.  The evening has been quieter & flared up only a few times.
Neck Issue Check (Evening):  Dull pain in the right area, but I’m able to fully function as normal.


Day 5 Food Reboot

Waking Up:  Went ballroom dancing last night & went to sleep around 11:30pm.  I slept straight until 6am, then 6:45, then got up at 7:45am.

Morning Physical Symptom Check:  My normal stiff back (moderate stiffness), turning my head all the way to the left I feel it a bit sore,   Some inflammation on the left hip (I have to rotate it to feel it).  My right hip feels 2X the pain as the left but it’s still moderate.  The only real cause of concern now is that  I’m starting to get that shooting pain in my right hip area as I get out of bed.  Also, my chest breathing wasn’t as good as it was a few days ago.  Lastly, the flatulence seems to be gone.

Smoothie Recipe (Pineapple-Mango-Avocado Smoothie Recipe)

•2 cups pineapple, cubed
•2 mangos, peeled and pitted
•1/4 large avocado, pitted and peeled
•4 cups organic kale, chopped
•6 to 8 ounces of filtered water
• Bee Pollen (1 Tablespoon)

Synopsis of Smoothie:  Good smoothie, slightly acidic due to the pineapple.   However, I can’t eat pineapple raw due to the acids in my mouth.  This gives me an alternative. 2 1/4 Glass-fulls.
Lunch Menu:  Cheezy Cannellonis (Omni Blender “Deliciously Raw” Cookbook) + Some Walnuts
Creamy Spinach Spread
  • Vegetable Cream Cheeze (it’s made from Soy, not dairy)
  • Spinach (3 cups)
  • Garlic Cloves (2)
Blend the spinach & garlic in a food processor (I use a Ninja blender).  Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
Tomato Recipe
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes (1 Cup)
  • 2 Tomatoes & Some Cherry Tomatoes
  • EVOO (2 Tbsp)
  • Dates (2) Soaked for a few minutes
  • Garlic (1 Tbsp)
  • Basil
  • Parsley

Run the Omni blender for 60 seconds.

Slice Zucchini (1) by cutting in 1/2 longways.  Then slice longways with a mandolin or V-slicer.  I have no idea what those are.  So I used whatever slicer I had available.  Roll up the slices with the cream cheeze (put cheeze on end) & then add tomato sauce on top.  While it “worked” I think an easier solution would be to lay the zucchini on it’s side & cut into 1/4″ slices.  Then make it like mini sandwiches – zucchini slice, cream cheeze, zucchini slice, tomato sauce, zucchini slice.

Synopsis of Lunch: While it’s a good meal, you need to add a warm meal like soup or something else to compliment it.  An hour+ later I’ve noticed going to the bathroom & increasing flatulence.  Could it be the soy?

Dinner Menu: Ahi Tuna with Veggies & Avocado
image image

  • Ahi Tuna Grilled
  • Peppercorn, Olive Oil, Topped with Mustard & Balsamic
  • Roasted / Grilled Sweet Peppers (6)
  • Avocado (1/2) Raw w/ Lime / Pepper /   Himalayan Salt
  • Steamed Brocolli (1/2 bunch)
  • 1/4 Chocolate bar with Almond Butter (Desert)

A cooked meal!  Oh how I missed you.  Very tasty and the avocado was surprisingly good with the tuna.

The body is still having a tough time with gas & bloating.  At this point, you don’t want to be living with me.  Embarrassing yes, but necessary to reboot the digestion system.  However, I am going to confirm with Jamie that all is OK.

As a side note, it’s been quite a challenge finding foods I can eat.  Even on a raw diet I have to be careful with starches.  For example, the yams yesterday.  I’m might still be paying for that today, but it’s way too early to tell.  Also remembering the supplements is going to be difficult with the meetings and things I need to accomplish next week.  Having this blog plus the support has really helped me out.  If someone else is reading this & is interested in doing this, have support available by the 4th or 5th day and be ready for your body to send you rejections after the 3rd day (if not sooner).

Evening inflammation check:  Mild pain in the right thigh (back area), but it’s at a 1 – 2 out of 10.  And, as usual, the pain increases when I do my head weights & Denny roll (chiropractic work 2X per day)
Digestion:  Flatulence was was in full-effect after lunch.  I also took 5 bathroom breaks, but 3 of them were under a minute.  Got to get in & out & get on with my life.
Neck Issue Check (Evening):  This is pretty much all healed.  Dull pain when I turn my head to the left.  In the future I’m grabbing the heating pad sooner!
As a side note, I know why God had me buy the appliances on black Friday.  For me, this is a first – my fridge is full!  And yes, I am one person.  If you’ve got a family, invest in another fridge as you’re going to need it being on this lifestyle change. Off to the left, I have fruit juices (which I’m eliminating most as it’s not needed anymore), eggs, probiotics & some miscellaneous items.  The rest is fruit & vegetables (mostly organic).  The bins are full (except the bottom one).


Day 4 Food Reboot

Waking Up:  Went to bed around 10pm-10:30pm last night woke up at 3:30am, went to the bathroom (I have to check my future water intake after 7pm).  I got up at 7am.

Morning Physical Symptom Check:  Overall stiff & sore body, but not horrible.  I’d give it a 3 on a scale of 1-10 (10 is worst).  Some inflammation behind right thigh, left hip.  Stiff mid-back & sore neck.  Range of motion is there, but if I turn my neck to the left too much, I get a dull shooting pain.  Lastly, the flatulence continued throughout the night & some in the morning.  Alas, beans don’t look good in my future.

Smoothie Recipe (Peach Mango Smoothie Recipe)

• 3 organic peaches, pitted
• 2 bananas, peeled (subbing 1)
• 1 large mango, pitted and peeled
• 4 cups organic Swiss chard, chopped
• 6 to 8 ounces filtered water
• Bee Pollen (1 Tablespoon)
• Spinach (1 1/2 handfuls)

Synopsis of Smoothie:  Overall good, even smoothie.    2 1/2 Glass-fulls.  I’d try again & reduce the peaches to 2.
Food for Next Week:
Went to the local farmers market at:
North Naples Green Market 
Indoor Summer Market – May to October 8am-1pm, Olympia Park, 2320 Vanderbilt Beach Road
Outdoor Winter Market.– November to April, 8am-1pm, Coconut Point Green Market
Although it was packed, I bought most of my food for next week.  The place most people flocked to (and I got most of my USDA Organic food from) was Worden Farm.  They’re located in Punta Gorda.  So I should be able to find them up in the Venice & Sarasota area.  Then headed to Costco & Publix to pick up what I couldn’t find there in bulk.  Unless listed below, all items are USDA Organic:
Half of weekly food on raw diet

Lime (2 small)
Mangoes (5) – bought 9 at Costco & not organic.
Pineapple (1 small)
Bananas (6 medium) – not organic
Papaya (1 large)  – bought at Costco & not organic.
Orange (1)
Young green or Thai coconut (got that at Whole Foods last week)
Strawberries (2 cups worth)  – bought at Costco & not organic.
Apple (1)

Zucchini (4 medium)
Campari tomatoes (25) – bought at Costco & not organic.
Large Tomatoes (3)
Red onion (1 small)
Avocado (2)
Fresh spinach (1 bunch or 2 chopped cups worth)
Kale (1 bunch or 2 chopped cups worth)
Red bell pepper (5) – bought 6 at Costco & not organic.
Carrots (3 medium)
Cucumber (1 medium)
Sundried tomatoes (1 and ¼ cup worth)
Celery (2 stalks)
Alfalfa sprouts (1 package) – substituted Sunflower sprouts

Sea Vegetables
 Nori sheets (1 package)
Dulse flakes

Herbs and Spices
Fresh cilantro (2 to 3 sprigs)
Garlic (1 bulb)
Fresh dill weed (8-12 sprigs)

All On-Hand But Required for Next Week
Chili Powder
Sea Salt (Himilayan)
Vanilla bean / extract

Total cost around $80-$90.

Lunch Menu:  Pineapple Shrimp Salad (Bajio)


  • Pineapple juice sauteed with shrimp
  • Lettuce
  • Pico De Gallo
  • Mango Salsa
  • Corn (small amount)
  • Sauteed onion
  • Cilantro

Mid-day snack:  None.  But I did drink carrot & acai juice with my Konsyl fiber supplement.

Dinner Menu: Tuna Salad Sandwich + Holy Yamoli Sandwich (Food & Thought)

After the bean issues I’ve been having all day, the last thing I wanted was anything near the bean category.  After some back & forth with the staff, we found something that I could eat that was raw + part of the NSD.  Sandwiches wrapped in collard green leaves.  I’ll have to remember this for future lunches.

NOTE:  Yams are high in starch.  Next time remove this when ordering.

Evening inflammation check:  Back of right thigh, right hip & left hip little inflammation.  It was noticeable to other people when I went ballroom dancing.  However, I was able to dance (and improve throughout the night) all night.

Digestion:  Flatulence reduced throughout the day as the cannelloni beans were getting fully digested in my system.

Neck Issue Check (Evening):  Almost healed.  Only notice when I turn my head to the right.  I will continue the head weights / Denny roll tomorrow.  I’ve only been using the head weights once (or today none) in the past few days.

NOTE:  I am finishing the evening portion of the post around 11:30pm.  So the inflammation effects, feeling tired, etc. should be better tomorrow unless the starch in the yams did it in for me.